Sunday 26 January 2014

Step-Pump Sunday

I thought: How repetition is making my daily perineal massage practice less of a chore. I'd certainly rather not tear, so I know it's worth doing, even if it is rather uncomfortable.

I slept: 7 1/2 hours in 5 chunks, including a half hour nap mid-morning. I was up for about an hour in the night and couldn't sleep, thinking about things to do next week (yeah, really useful - not). So, instead I went downstairs and put away the dishes etc.

I worked out:  50 minutes of step and pump with Tonya Larson. Not going to become a favourite, but I think my DH might enjoy the pump section...

I ate:  130g brownie and 35g chocolate - 165g total.

I am grateful for:  My DH, who is being wonderful looking after our son, so I can look after our unborn child :)


  1. Eww. LOL Childbirth. No dignity, start to finish. ha ha Seems like a long time ago. Well, heck it was a long time ago. :)

    1. Fortunately, I'm not terribly English about lots of body/dignity things. My German mum's influence means I'm a lot less prudish than many Brits (and many Americans). I think my DH finds it a lot more tricky than I do, even though it's me that'll be naked and straining in front of strangers...

      The perineal massage doesn't bother me too much, but this baby is getting big and, despite being flexible, I find it hard to get my hands round my bump and all the way down there :D
