Sunday, 29 December 2013

Sunday Sweat

I felt: A bit clearer in my own mind after drawing some cards.

I slept: 8 1/4 hours in 5 chunks, better than yesterday, but I did get up, meditate and practise yoga, as I was having stress insomnia.

I worked out:  21 minutes yoga and 29 minutes of cardio-sculpting. Once again, I used Allie del Rio's Time Crunch Cardio. This time, I did the middle segment, but added weights to most of the "cardio-bursts", then also treated the second dance combo of the third segment as a "light four limb weights section". Worked up a sweat :)

I ate:  After lunch, 20g choc and 12g biscuits, teatime 80g chocolate, after dinner 60g chocolate. Total - 172g, not as bad as I feared.

I am grateful for:  The calm of meditation and chant.


  1. The reading did seem to confirm a lot of key points! I love it when oracles provide that kind of perspective and confirmation. I should try that more often when I feel confused or upset. My trouble comes in trusting my own divination observations!

    Much Love,

    1. Yes, self-belief is a tough one. As I generally treat readings as a way to come to a better understanding of myself and how I'm responding to a situation, I know that just taking the time to think about it will bring me some perspective. As I don't expect the cards to fortune-tell, they never let me down :)
      Love and New Year happiness,

  2. Happy holiday, I hope 2014 brings you much happiness.
