Saturday 21 September 2013

Good News

I felt: Afraid for a fair bit of the time. I woke in the night and went to the toilet, only to realise the bleeding seemed worse. I ended up calling an emergency medical helpline. That reassured me a little, but they did advise me to see a doctor as soon as possible. Managed to book an appointment for 2pm, and that reassured me a lot. The doctor could see where the bleeding had come from, had a reasonable explanation for it, and assured me it had stopped, hadn't been serious, and wasn't in any way my fault.

I thought: I worried quite a bit that it was working out that had caused my bleeding, but the doctor reassured me on that, so I worked out (very mellowly) when I got home, and felt fine.

I slept: 7 1/2 hours in 4 chunks. I meditated twice to help me get back to sleep, and the last nap was after I'd booked my doctor's appointment, and knew I'd done all I could for the moment.

I worked out:  54 minutes of Nicky McGinty's Ballet Fitness. It was quite fun, I like finding reasonable quality exercise dvd's with English presenters for a change :)

I ate:  104g biscuits, 30g brownie, 29g chocolate - 163g total.

I am grateful for:   Having seen my child alive and well, and sucking its thumb.


  1. I am so happy to hear this. I was worried about you today but felt things were ok. Sending peace and rest!!!

    1. Thank you, MM! I appreciated your draw for me, and the good wishes you send :)

  2. Excellent news. :) I don't think working out would have caused this, lots of people do very strenuous workouts while pregnant, but I guess I'm just old-fashioned about the whole pregnancy thing and think people ought to take it a bit easier and gentler during this time. :) Big hugs!!!

    1. Ha, well, I'm having to take it easier, for sure. I just can't manage Cathe, even on my lowest step setting. So, I want to continue exercising, but I'll do it in a mellow way :)
      Big hugs to you, too! Kxx

  3. SO glad things are well. Keep taking care of yourself, and we'll all keep you in our thoughts!

    1. Thank you, Siddaleah! I will take care, and it's lovely to know I'm in your thoughts. You're in mine, too, even if I haven't been round the blogs as much lately! :)
