Monday 22 July 2013

Sunday Sun

I felt: Quite peaceful :)

I thought: About the experiences that change us. My DH just went on a 5 day survival course. As well as dropping 2 kilos (4 and a half pounds), he came back saying he felt changed. While I'd like to drop the weight, I don't think doing it that quickly would be a good idea. And I think I've had plenty of life-changing experiences without having to go and live in the woods for five days without a shower, a change of clothes, or enough to eat...

I slept: 7 1/2 hours in 4 chunks. Still, I was quite happy with that, especially compared with yesterday.

I worked out:  53 minutes of yoga. I thought I'd try out a new DVD I just got last week, Flow Yoga for Strength and Flexibility. Unfortunately, it just annoyed me :( It was way too slow, for one thing (I felt like I could have done the entire practice in about 15 minutes, and gotten as much out of it). That's probably to do with me, I like a flow that actually flows, rather than just dawdling around. Made me long for a bit of Astanga or Power Yoga. Also, she was one of those instructors who say everything in a crazy singsong voice - bah! And she also did what Eowyn was complaining of the other day - for the only bit where she was face on to the camera, she didn't mirror. So, watching and listening were rather confusing.

What is with that? I've done five yoga teacher trainings in 3 different countries, and in all of them we were taught to mirror the class while we gave instruction! I remember one girl on the first training I did used the trick of having a ring on her thumb, and whichever hand it was on was to be considered her right. I think she started doing it cos she often muddled right and left, but it meant she just swapped which hand the ring was on whenever she taught class :D

I ate:  a strawberry yoghurt with added blueberries and almonds. No chocolate, no biscuits. Not sure it should count as yay me, though, as I ate more at other times of the day - all relatively healthy, but you can get fat even eating just rice and beans if you eat enough of them. May have to change how I assess my food intake...

I am grateful for:  My shower.


  1. Ah! Happy to see you feeling peaceful. You may have answered this before, but is there a video you would recommend for a beginner in yoga? I find it very hard to do poses and monitor the screen to see if I'm doing it right, so lots of verbal instructions helps me.

    1. Hi Siddaleah,

      I quite like Suzanne Deason's Yoga for Weightloss. It doesn't really have anything to do with weightloss, at least no more than any yoga would. However, it has real women in it showing variations on the poses, and it's a nice, gentle practice, with good dvd options like sticking with the person who is closest to your own level.

      Other than that, you might do better to ask Eowyn about beginner dvd's, as I generally prefer intermediate or advanced practices :)
