Wednesday 10 July 2013

More Celebrity Workouts

I felt: Tired, but productive.

I thought: About going to the corner shop to buy some chocolate, but resisted - yay me :)

I slept: 6 hours in 6 chunks :((

I worked out:  61 minutes of Transform Your Body with
Brooke Burke's Tone and Tighten. I think this was the third time I've done the workout. On the one hand, some of the sets are quite interesting and different. On the other, she is seriously annoying! Keeps rabbiting on about going for the burn, the "golden" reps, and changing your mind and your body. She even says, "If I can do it, your can do it!" Yeah, right, like that's going to convince someone who's never exercised before. Looking at this super-skinny, long-limbed celeb, the first thing I think is not "Oh, she's just like me!"

I ate:  53g choc chip cookies :)

I am grateful for:  The local charity shop, which will probably be getting this DVD.


  1. I hate celebrity workouts! (Even though I have NO IDEA who Brooke Burke is. Not interested in finding out, either. ha)

    1. Yeah, I didn't realise it was a celebrity workout until it came, I got it on the basis of the clip and the description. I still don't really know who she is. I think some celebrity workouts aren't bad, just cos companies are willing to invest money in what they see as more of a sure thing, so the production values are often pretty good...

  2. I have to agree with you on the video. She sounds obnoxious! Ah well...hope you have a good day tomorrow.


    1. Not a great day, I'm afraid. Hope you're doing well, getting lots done, and feeling less stressed.

      Sending you warm hugs,

    2. I have to admit I've mostly been laying low and fighting a UTI. But it sounds like I've had a lot less stress than you have...sorry about your super tiring day/week.

      Sending rest and hugs,

    3. Sorry to hear that, MM. Seems like you can't catch a break, healthwise. Sinus stuff, food poisoning, and now a UTI! Though, as you've said in some of your posts, there may be an aspect where your anxiety is lowering your defences. Fingers crossed that when (I say when, not if, positive mental attitude ;)) P settles at her new school, some of that will abate!

      Hugs to you, too,
