Saturday 13 July 2013

Scorching Saturday

I felt: Tired and lacklustre - must be the heat! It was up to 30ºC here today :o Which is 86ºF for you non-metric people :D Might not sound that much, but coupled with over 65% humidity, it was hot, sticky, and made me feel heavy.

I thought: About the joys of yoga.

I slept: 8 hours in 5 chunks :)

I worked out:  45 minutes of yoga, just me, my mat, and Jai Uttal chanting :)

I ate:  40g cupcake after lunch (mine was nowhere near as pretty as this, but the icing was melting and running in the heat). 30g choc biscuits and 74g choc brownie after dinner. Total 144g - meh!

I am grateful for:  The various yoga teachers I have had in my life, who inspired me and helped me develop my own practice.


  1. Good bit of sleep there! Well done!

    1. We use the mediterranean trick of closing the windows and blinds during the day, and opening up at night. Otherwise the heat would have been unbearable! :)

  2. It's so embarrassing that we aren't metric. To make matters worse I am terrible at math anyway! Of course if I worked at it I would get better but I am so much more comfortable in the right-brained land of things. Anyway...hahaa.

    Yes, it has been hot here too, but thankfully we've had bouts of rain and clouds, which has been very helpful. I'm not a big fan of heat--especially with temperatures reaching 100 degrees and above. One day recently it was 103 degrees. Ick! I grew up in Texas, which is quite hot and humid--and I prefer Colorado. It's sunny but not as humid, and has plenty of cool weather and good variety in the seasons.

    Hope you have a happy one. Oh! And I think you and Siddaleah have inspired me to start a health/mood blog, too!


    1. Well, I'll admit that converting from metric to other measures, I just plug it into the computer ;)

      Glad to hear your weather has been hot but not unbearable. Right now it's still 27ºC (80.6ºF) up in my son's bedroom, despite me having opened just about every window in the house :(

      Really hope you do start up a mood/health blog - let me know the url if you do!!

