Saturday 29 June 2013

Inspiring Friends

I felt: I was going to say not too bad, but I don't think that's true. My son has been having coughing fits all day that cause him to have pain-related spasms. So, he's been whiny, unhappy, and incredibly snotty and dribbley. The worst bit, though, is hearing him cry with pain, knowing I've done all I can do. I so wish I could take his pain away! It tears at my heart, and makes me crave some time away from his whimpering.

I thought: I wish I could get some of the determination and consistency my friends seem to be getting. Wouldn't it be nice if we could go out and buy that, or order it on-line! Although I may be exercising regularly, in terms of eating well and positive mental attitude, I'm just not feeling it.

I slept: 6 and 3/4 hours in 4 chunks :/

I worked out:  47 minutes of a workout that fuses cardio, pilates and weights - Ellen Barrett's Crunch Burn & Firm Pilates :)

I ate:  72g choc brownie, 92g biscuits. Actually, despite it being a bit higher than some days, I'm quite proud of this. I was very tempted to eat more, especially as my DH was out, and I was dealing with our son alone.

I am grateful for:  Inspiring friends :)


  1. I'm impressed, especially considering how much stress you're under. Sorry about the pain. :( That is very hard to see. High-fives for all the great stuff you're doing and for how well you're hanging in. Hugs...MM

    1. Thanks, MM. This weekend was tough, but it sounds like you've been wrestling with your own challenges, too. I keep thinking about the effect of poor sleep on weight gain, which I've heard is quite a big factor - doesn't bode well for us :( Hugs, Kx
