Thursday, 24 April 2014

Ballet Wednesday


I exercised: 56 minutes of ballet with Kari Anderson's Centre Floor.  It's interesting, I founded it harder than I remember, yet I have been working out consistently, and with weights…

I ate: 28g biscuits after lunch, and 170g biscuits, 49g choc after dinner.  Total 247g :(

I thought:  About my altar, after finally unpacking most of my "elements", altar cloths and trays...


  1. Reading your posts, I am struck by the thought that maybe you should take your attention off the sweets and chocolate. Take a break from writing about them, worrying about them, feeling guilty or inadequate for eating them, etc. I have this sense that it is contributing to the problem. I see this happening with many things. We try to resolve issues with a pessimistic focus rather than acceptance. I find that when I am relaxed then I am far less likely to indulge in destructive habits. I feel we are hard on ourselves, cataloging our slights and then beating ourselves up. Have you thought of nurturing yourself or discovering why you feel do drawn to sweets? Or maybe not purchasing them, or purchasing them only once or twice a month? It definitely helps to set ourselves up for success. I am sorry for the unsolicited advice.


    1. In some ways I agree with you, MM. I know that I do better when I don't focus so much on food. However, it's got to be that I'm not focusing on it because I'm doing other things, rather than just ignoring how badly I'm eating. If I'm eating badly and don't track it, then I feel really out of control. And sometimes, when I start tracking, I realise I'm not doing as badly as I thought I was. There used to be some days when I would literally have over a kilo of biscuits and chocolate!

      As for not buying stuff, I find it's better to buy things in, trying to get nice things that will satisfy me. Otherwise, a time comes when I can't resist any more and end up going to the corner store, often getting far poorer quality "treats". Living where there are lots of shops in walking distance, some of which stay open late, means that my will power has to be very strong if I don't want to give in to impulse purchases, and it rarely is that strong…

      Don't worry about unsolicited advice, your points are all fair enough. Just, as I say, this feels like it kind of works for me at the moment, even if it's not all that positive…


    2. I understand! I apologize for mentioning it. Normally I wouldn't. I have been in a strange mood and things have been bothering me more! You know yourself best and it isn't really helping you for me to say these things! I much prefer support so I will go back to that. Xxxoo

    3. No need to apologise, as I say, your points were all reasonable. And actually, since thinking about this more, I have decided to try not to monitor exactly what I'm eating. I'm still writing down my workouts, and I may try to find something more positive to focus on. So, thank you for writing what you did!
      Hugs, Kxxx

    4. You're the best. I love how you work through things, and I appreciate being able to connect with you here. XOXOX
