Saturday, 24 May 2014

Stepping Up

Friday - 62 minutes of stepping with Cathe Friedrich's Low Max.  After seeing an old friend on Thursday who pointed out that I've put on weight in the last year, I wanted to workout a bit harder.  After all, til that point I'd only done 74 minutes of exercise all week.  Admittedly, it was a particularly slack week mainly because I was travelling on business, but still...

However, I also know that the second part of the equation, what I eat, is probably even more important.  Have a few plans to help improve that, too.

Saturday - 41 minutes of cardio-sculpting with Alison Davis-McLean's Ultimate Fat Burning Workout. Rather interrupted, though, by the baby :(  Ate badly, but not dreadfully - couldn't put my plans into effect, as the baby wouldn't sleep at all from dinner time onward.

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Back to Basics

Tuesday - didn't exercise at all, as I had a really full, busy day.  However, I didn't eat as badly on Monday or Tuesday, being away from home and my "comfort" zone, so that's one plus.

Wednesday - 36 minutes of cardio-sculpting with Allie del Rio's Hardcore Fusion.  Would have liked to do more, but between travelling, catching up on regular work, and taking the baby for his first immunisations, there just isn't time.

Monday, 19 May 2014

Blast, No Better Body

Saturday - 22 minutes of Jessica Smith's Better Body Blast - the arms section.  I had hoped to do both arms and legs for about 45 minutes of exercise, but the baby had other ideas :(  So, I stuck on a couple of minutes stretching at the end of the arms section, and that was that!

Sunday - 45 minutes of low impact step with Cathe - yay!

Monday - 18 minutes of yoga self-practice.  Didn't think I'd get to workout at all, so it was a bonus.  Plus, I was inspired by Carla to at least do a little :)  I also silently chanted to Yemaya while I practised.

Feeling fat and disappointed in myself, eating way too much chocolate.  Do have a plan, though, to start doing something to keep my hands occupied after dinner...

Friday, 16 May 2014

What Shall I Fuse?

Friday - 45 minutes of cardio-pilates with Ellen Barrett's Floor Fusion Workout.

I bought this shortly after it came out, earlier this year, but hadn't managed to do it yet because I suspected it would have too much stuff on the tummy for a pregnant body to handle.  Actually, there wasn't all that many exercises prone on the floor, and it was a better workout than I expected.  Didn't really raise my heart rate much, but it certainly challenged my muscles :)

I'm still not eating well, simply not tracking it.  I feel like I should be able to find the magic formula that will help me eat better.  A few years ago, going back onto meat helped me not eat chocolate or sugar for the better part of a year, first time in my life I'd managed that.  Now, it's been weeks since I even managed to avoid sugars until mid-afternoon.  I know that I'm tired and physically challenged by breast feeding, but bingeing on junk isn't the solution.  Just wish I knew what it is...

Thursday, 15 May 2014

Too Blissed Out?

Wednesday - 53 minutes of Eoin Finn's Blissology Friday.  On the box, it said the full programme was 45 minutes, but actually it was 58 minutes.  However, that was a bit too long for the baby, and 53 minutes in, during Savasana, he kicked off.  So, I finished my relaxation feeding him in bed :)

The bad news is, today my knee has been hurting.  Despite what the GP said about it being better to do Pilates or Yoga, rather than aerobics, I think there's still too much relaxin flowing through my body for me to be as aware as I should be of what's happening when I stretch.

Thursday - 36 minutes of cardio-sculpting.  I started with Alison Davis-McLean's Calorie Explosion, but found it a bit too high intensity.  Instead, I swapped to Rebekah Sturkie's Total Body Time Crunch Express - just weights :)

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Yoga, Day Off, and other Exercise

Catching up...

Friday - just 25 minutes of cardio-sculpting with Rebekah Sturkie's Total Body Time Crunch.

Saturday - 28 minutes of yoga self-practice.  I love that all I need is a yoga mat, wherever I am.

Sunday - day off!  We were travelling, and I just didn't manage it.  Instead, we watched "The Fox and the Hound", which none of us had seen before.  I'm still hormonal - almost cried at the bit where the old lady has to set the fox free.

Monday - 58 minutes of cardio-sculpting with Alison Davis-McLean's Dangerous Curves.  I have to admit, I find it a bit annoying the way she tries to get the workout title into her "patter".

Tuesday - 41 minutes of Allie del Rio's Time Crunch Cardio.  I had the baby, and wasn't sure how much I'd get to do.  With a couple of pauses to feed, I felt I'd had a fairly good workout.

Thursday, 8 May 2014

Exercise Catch-Up

I've felt quite good about my exercise, even though I haven't always done very much in any one session.  I am happy about my consistency, and I've also enjoyed the variety.  I saw my doctor this week, and she suggested I should just stick to Pilates and yoga while I still have breast-feeding hormones flowing around my body.  Personally, I think that shows a lack of knowledge of exercise, as a low impact step workout is less stressful on the joints than an all-out astanga workout (unless you are super strong).  So, I'll carry on my way...


I exercised:  51 minutes of step with Cathe Friedrich's Low Impact Circuit.


I exercised:  43 minutes of yoga self-practice.  It was lovely to just listen to my breath and chant silently, and move.


I exercised:  31 minutes of cardio-sculpting with Alison Davis McLean's Calorie Explosion.  Didn't have time for more, as my MIL was coming over.


I exercised:  Kari Anderson's Hot Steps - just a quickie, 36 minutes.  Fun, but I do prefer when I don't have to modify down high impact moves, as the temptation is always there to just go for it...


I exercised:  45 minutes of cardio-pilates with Ellen Barrett's Firm and Burn Pilates, a Crunch video.  It was pretty fun, and I did work up a bit of a sweat :)


I exercised:  41 minutes of cardio-sculpting with Alison Davis-McLean's Ultimate Fat-Burning Workout.

Saturday, 3 May 2014

Every Little Counts


I exercised:  30 minutes with Ellen Barrett's Sleek Sculpt Express.  I really like her positive talk during the programme, emphasising the importance of breath, and talking about movement being a treat.  She also says that for her, being functionally fit is the same as being aesthetically beautiful.  While I don't totally agree, I like the reminder that my body allows me to do lots of wonderful things.


I exercised:  20 minutes of Allie del Rio's Time Crunch cardio.  Busy day, but it was nice to at least work up a slight sweat, feel I'd done something for me.


I exercised:   41 minutes with Kelsie Daniel's Pump, Jump n Jab.  Had to interrupt once to breast feed, but I still enjoyed the kicks and punches.  Kickboxing workouts make me feel strong in a "don't mess with me" way :D